Understanding Your Display Screen

Its important to understand your display screens and its layout. The reason behind this is if you do put the wrong designs | dimensions | content on the wrong type of screen this will result in images displaying streched & wrong.

Correct Portrait Screen Displays

Design Size: 1080px x 1920px

Correct Landscape Screen Displays

Design Size: 1920px x 1080px

Important Note: Using the wrong settings can cause displays to freeze, turn off or work sporadically.

Designing Made Easy With Canva

Canva is a online free software that has tons of templates and designs to use and edit. All new clients with us will have their designs made within Canva and given to you so that you can edit them on the go, If you are on a Management Package with us you can also get these designs created for you as part of your plan.

This software is available on an app. This means editing or designing something quick to put up on your screens can be very fast.
The best thing about using Canva is that the settings within are safe and preset when downloading, so 99.9% of the time the content you download and upload is perfect.

Create a free account just requires a email address, Once in your account you can click on “create a design” and either click Video (This is Landscape Display) or Mobile Video (This is Portrait Display).

Downloading your design

Even if you are not adding a video click video when creating a new design to make sure your dimensions are correct for your screen. Click download you can either choose “.jpeg” (a static design) or “.mp4” for a video  or for something that animates in your design.

To download click “share” then you want to click “download” which will open up a box to choose how you want to download the file you can choose either .JPG (This is for static designs) or .MP4 (Anything moving in the design use this)

Final Check Before Content is Ready

Once your media is ready you need to check on the content on your device to make sure the settings are correct for example we will use a windows computer you can right on the media then click on “Properties” then “Details” in here you want to see the following: Frame Rate Max 31 frames/per sec Total Video Bitrate Max 5000kbps Max File Size 100mb Note: If they are not set to these details your screen display is likely to lock up, freeze, display wrong or turn off.

Video Files Details Wrong? Lets Fix it!

The easiest way to do this is this FREE online Webtool. This website is called video2edit.com

Fixing Video Bitrate or Framerate

In order to do this we will use “Convert to MP4” that is on video2edit.com

There is only 2 fields you need to change here “Change frame rate” to “25” “Change Video bitrate” to “2000” Then simply click “Start” to convert your design to the correct settings for your display.

Fixing Video File Size

Your file size should not be close to 100mb but in the rare case it might be you can use another FREE online webtool video cutter to slice it to 2 or 3 smaller videos simply Click Upload | Move The Slides To Cut | Click Save. Leave the first slider where it is and move the end slide to middle of file. save and and repeat to capture the 2nd part of the video, slicing the video into half. Then you are ready to put the files on your device.

Image Files Details Wrong? Lets Fix it!

Once your media is ready you need to check on the content on your device to make sure the settings are correct for example we will use a windows computer you can right on the media then click on “Properties” then “Details” in here you want to see the following:

Portrait Screen Design Size: 1080px x 1920px or Landscape Screen Design Size: 1920px x 1080px

Image Resizing

This is to resize a large image from possibly 8k or 4k to the correct size. To do this we will use the FREE online webtool simpleimageresizer.com

Once you are on the website make sure your on “Image Resizer” you need to upload your media, select “Select Images” then click “Dimensions” then you need to type in the correct settings for your display screen. Once you’ve typed in the correct sizes in click “Resize”“see details above for sizes”


Note: This is not used to change a portrait to landscape as this will still display wrong.

Image Converter

We can also use simpleimageresizer.com to convert a image file that is not your standard “.Jpg” or “.Png”

Once you are on the website make sure your on “Converter” you need to upload your media, select “Select Images” then click the drop down menu to choose either .jpg and .png then all we need to do is click “Convert Images” and your done.

Upload New Content | How Are Your Screens Setup?

There is two main options available for you to choose from these in include “USB Plug & Play” or “Online Cloud Based”

How to upload your designs will be very different depending on the setup on your digital display.

Canva design can be designed by us as part of your initial agreement when purchasing with Digital Screen Displays. These are very useful especially for Menu boards as price change’s will be regular and this will make it easier for you to edit them.