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_ga | 12 months from last visit | Used to distinguish visitors to site |
_gat | 10 minutes | Used to throttle request rate |
_utmt | 10 minutes | Used to throttle request rate |
_ _utma | 12 months from last visit | Used to distinguish visitors and pages visited. Records a unique ID, the date and time of first visit, time of current visit nd total number of visits made |
_ _utmb | 30 minutes from last visit | Used to determine new sessions or visits. Stores the number of page views in current visit and start time of visit |
_ _ utmc | Session cookie | Used to note that the visit has ended when browser is closed |
_ _utmz | 6 months | Records the site you may have linked to our page from. Only records data if you clicked on a link to our site from a different website |